Inspection methods for castings are followed in terms of the measurement, go- and no-go checking, functional test, visual inspection, 100% inspection and sampling inspection Inspection for foundry quality control is also classified as normal inspection, reduced inspection and tightened inspection [23,24]. To check and assess the quality, destructive test, non-destructive test and process inspection tests are performed in the casting engineering industries. In the quality control aspect of a cast engineering product, the particular reason for a defectisrepresentedbythecauseandeffectdiagram,otherwise called as Fish bone and Ishikawa diagram [5]. The various steps involved in the Ishikawa diagram analysis are identifying the effect or problem, noting down the main cause categories, manpower, machines, materials and methods, adding causes to the diagram, identifying most likely causes, identifying most probable causes and verifying the causes. Effective quality control makes a lot of financial savings in foundries. The quality control operations include process verification, process control and final inspection. The process verification reviews the specifications of the products, the proposed process and control procedures for compactability [25,26]. 9. Responsibilities of foundry industrial personnel in quality control Quality control responsibilities in foundry process control includeevaluationoftheincomingrawandproductionmaterials, performanceofselectedprocesscontrolinallthesub-processes involved and process control checks performed by the production personnel and information regarding the feed back should be communicated to the production department [2]. The final inspectionisonthedefectsobservation,propertiestesting,hightest frequency, statistical sampling and thorough evaluation for the suspect condition prior to being released to the finishing area or to being rejected [27]. The foundry quality control system comprises a set of procedures that should be followed to fulfill the quality policy. It has to be built in such a way that the best coordination of all the activities will be achieved without compromising any elements affecting the quality of the cast products in the metal casting industries [28,29]. 10. Application of statistical quality control aspects at a glance Afoundryqualitycontrolsystemperformsinspection,testing andanalysistoensurethatthequalityofthecastproductsmanufacturedisasperthelaiddownqualitystandards[5].Itiscalled as statistical quality control (SQC), when statistical techniques are employed to control, improve and maintain the quality or to solvethequalitybasedproblems.Basicstatisticaltechniquesare employed to develop statistical techniques of quality control. It ledtotheintroductionofsamplingtablesandcontrolcharts.Itis usedtocontrolthequalityofthecastproductsduringthevarious manufacturing stages. Statistical analysis is used as a feedback tobringtheappropriatechangesintheprocessandalsoforcontrollingtheprocess.Statisticalqualitycontrolisusedforfoundry inspectionandresearch.Itisbasedonthestatisticaltheorywith control charts and sampling plans forming the opening wedge fortheuseofstatisticsinfoundries[8,9].Moderntechniquesof statisticalqualitycontrolacceptancesamplinghaveanimportant part to play in the improvement of quality, enhancement of productivity, creation of consumer confidence and development of industrial economy of the country. The most important benefits ofstatisticalqualitycontrolareexpressedintermsofefficiency, reduction of foundry scrap and foundry returns, easy detection of faults, elimination of bottlenecks, better customer relationships, efficient utilization of foundry personnel and machines, increases output and reduces wasted machine and man hours and adherence to specifications [10]. 11. Conclusion Itisconcludedthatcarefulsupervisionwitheffectmotivation of individual employees in achieving the quality is a must in reducingtherejectionandscrapinmetalcastingmanufacturing engineering industries. It is to be emphasized that quality is contributed to by all the members of an organization from the chief executive to the worker and is not the job of only foundry qualitycontrolstaffs.Infoundriesadditiontothequalitycontrol department, a scrap prevention team is needed to improve the quality and this should be felt by each employee. Acknowledgement TheauthorsexpresstheirsinceregratitudetotheDepartment ofMechanicalandManufacturingEngineering,UniversitiPutra Malaysia for the consent given to publish this paper.